Tandem Instructor, Videographer, USPA Coach

What advice would you give to someone thinking about jumping for the first time?
Don't hesitate, just do it, we have got your back, literally!
Get To Know Scott Watkins
What is your USPA License Number?
Please list your USPA Ratings:
USPA Tandem Instructor & USPA Coach
When you were a kid, were there any early activities that might indicate you’d one day become a skydiver?
Cliff Jumping. Skydiving is way safer.
What was the circumstance that led you to the DZ for the first time to make your very first skydive?
I always wanted to go skydiving, did it spur of the moment on a summer day.
What made you want to continue skydiving after your first jump?
Fell in love with it, the freedom is unimaginable unless you have done it.
What’s the best / most memorable skydive you’ve ever made?
I have so many memorable ones, I cannot nail it down to just one.
As an instructor, what has been one of the most meaningful jumps you’ve made with a student?
For me taking a 75 year (young) grandmother, it shows you are never too old.
If you could jump with anyone in the world, who would you like to jump with and why?
My friends, because they are always there for me.